Fight Plans
Fighting Styles
Inside (An offensI've style for fighters
with a STR advantage.)
The fighter moves in close to muscle his opponent and throw power
-The fighter gains +1 STR.
-Any STR advantage he has over his opponent is increased by 50%.
-The fighter's opponent gets a +10% damage bonus (to penalize the
fighter for trying to get close).
Use this only if you have a STR advantage
to maximize its effect. You should generally not use inside unless
you are using power of at least 4. Remember, when you go inside
you take 10% more damage.
Clinch (A defensI've style for fighters with
a STR advantage.)
-The fighter gains +1 AGL.
-If the fighter has a higher STR than his opponent, 50% of his STR
advantage is added to his AGL.
-The fighter's AGG is reduced by 15% of his opponent's AGG. Fractions
are retained so that, against an opponent with 4 AGG, the clinching
fighter would lose 0.6 AGG. These lost points are used for resting and
increase his endurance point recovery.
-If the fighter uses a DEF greater than 10, he may be penalized for
not breaking a clinch
This is used when you have a large str advantage and you want to
gain some agility while using high power. Not as effective at high
aggressiveness because of the aggressiveness penalty.
Ropes (An offensI've style for fighters with
an AGL advantage.)
-If the fighter has a higher AGL than his opponent, than his opponent's
AGL is reduced by 66.6% of the difference -- but never below 8.
-However, a fighter using this style also loses 1 point of his own
This is used for body bashing an opponent with much less agl or
trying to stun or KO him. Should be used sparingly and only in the
right situation.
Ring (A defensI've style for fighters with
an AGL advantage.)
-The fighter gains +1 AGL.
-Any AGL advantage he has over his opponent is increased by 50%.
-The fighter incurs one additional point of fatigue.
A defensI've style used to maximize an agility advantage. The extra
fatigue makes this style only useful if you have an advantage of
at least 2 AGL.
Feint (An offensI've style for fighters with
a SPD advantage.)
-The fighter gains +1 SPD.
-Any SPD advantage he has is increased by 50%.
-The fighter loses 1 point of fatigue. (because he is being more
Helps maximize a spd advantage. Use feint if you have a spd advantage
of at least 2 or at the end of a fight to try to outpoint your opponent.
Counter (A style for fighters with either
a SPD or HGT advantage.)
-The counter-puncher gains +1 STR.
-If the fighter's SPD+HGT is greater than his opponent, then 25%
of this advantage is added to his AGL, and 25% is subtracted from
his opponent's AGL (but his opponent's AGL is never reduced below
-The counter-puncher loses 15% of his AGG. This does not count towards
fatigue, or towards Rest.
An excellent style for tall fast fighters. Used for body bashing
or KO defense (sometimes KO offense). Bad for scoring points due
to the aggressiveness penalty. A tall fast fighter should use outside
or feint to score points.
Outside (A style for fighters with a HGT
-The fighter gains +0.5 AGL and +0.5 SPD.
-For purposes of computing AG and SPD, the fighter's HGT advantage
(if any) is increased by 50%. For example, a fighter with a 4" HGT
advantage would normally get +2 SPD and +2 AGL, but when using the
outside style he gets +3 SPD and +3 AGL.
-The fighter's POW is reduced by 15%. This energy is lost and does
not count towards either fatigue or towards resting.
Maximizes a height advantage. The power penalty makes this style
most effective at 1 power. Never use power more than 3.
Allout (The fighter "walks through" punches
hoping to inflict massI've damage on his opponent.)
-The damage (both stun damage and endurance damage) he inflicts
is doubled
-The damage inflicted on him is quadrupled.
Used to KO opponent in desperate situations or when you know he
is no threat to KO (like a sissy). New players tend to overuse allout.
Outside the expert players, about 75% of allout attempts end in
a KO for the fighter using the allout. It should be used very sparingly
in situations where you suspect your opponent will be using very
low power. It is also used if your fighter is built to flash with
big kp, big chin and little conditioning. Sometimes a kp fighter
can use allout to KO a slugger going to the body, since the slugger's
stun damage has been diminished by targeting
Fight plans are talked about in detail with regards to agg/pow/def
in the rules and the
Rife Files.
So, I am going to list some common conditionals.
Score conditionals:
if score > 0 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you are winning (by
if score > 1 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you are winning by more
than 1 point
if score > 2 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you are winning by more
than 2 points. etc...
if score = 0 then x/x/x (style) triggers if score is tied
if score < 0 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you are losing
if score < 1 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you are losing by more
than 1 point
You can also say if score >= x then x/x/x (style) triggers if you
score is equal or greater than x (x can be positI've or negatI've)
if score > 13 - round then x/x/x (style) triggers if you can afford
to lose remaining rounds 10-9)
if score > 14 - round then x/x/x (style) triggers if the same as
above, but with room for error by judges or if you get KD'd once)
if score < round - 10 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you can afford
to lose a round and still win, but you don't want the score to be
this close)
if score < round - 11 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you need all
the remaining rounds to be 10-9 (or better) to win)
if score < round - 12 then x/x/x (style) triggers if the best you
can get is draw from 10-9 rounds)
if score < round - 13 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you can't even
draw with 10-9 rounds (without luck from judges))
A good way to think of score < round - x is that x/2 represents
the number of rounds you have lost on the comentator'scard. If
x=10 then you have lost 5 rounds. If x=8, you have lost 4 rounds.
If x=13 then you have lost 6.5 rounds and you are in deep manure.
Endurance Conditionals
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 2 then x/x/x (style) triggers if you
receI've less than 2% endurance damage per round, which is VERY little.
if endurance_percent < 100 - (round - 1) * x then x/x/x (style) triggers
if if receI've more than x % of endurance damage per round)
general values for x above
1-3 - taking very little damage, possibly only fatigue
4-5 - moderate damage, from slugging
>5 - lots of damage
*Note*: You must use whole numbers only in the fight plans. So if you want decimal numbers, such as 4.5% damage, you must change the conditional a little.
if endurance_percent * 10 > (1000 -((round - 1) *25)) then x/x/x (style)
triggers if you are losing more than 2.5 percent of endurance a round
You can also include the endurance conditional (as opposed to endurance_percent).
Endurance compares your actual endurance number against a trigger
value. Example below:
if endurance < 180 - 4* (round -1) triggers if an 18 conditioning
fighter is receiving less than 4 endurance loss per round. Sometimes
I use this as a trigger for flashing a body basher. I might pick
an specific number like: if round = 2 and endurance < 169 then
5h/11/4 (inside)]
Some other endurance conditionals include:
if endurance_percent < x then x/x/x (style) (x at 60 or so, use for rest)
if opponent = strong then x/x/x (style) (opponent's endurance > 67%)
if opponent = tired then x/x/x (style) (opponent's endurance < 67%)
if opponent = weak then x/x/x (style) (opponent's endurance < 33%)
can also be written:
if opp = weak then x/x/x (style) (opponent's endurance < 33%)
towel conditionals trigger only when you are below 50 percent endurance. They can be placed in a fight plan simply by putting towel in a line. However, that kicks in any fight that you are below 50 percent regardless of whether you are winning or not. So a better choice for towel conditionals are:
if endurance_percent <= 50 and opp = 2 and score < 14 - round the towel
if score < 0 and endurance_percent <= 33 and opp > 0 then towel
if score < 0 and opp = 2 then towel
Also, if opp = 2 means the same as if opponent = strong. 1 means tired. 0 means weak.
Other features that can be tracked include:
hisstuns means the # of times he has been stunned
mystuns means the # of times you have been stunned
*Note*: Knockdowns count as two stuns
myknockdowns means the # of times you have been knocked down
hisknockdowns means the # of times he has been knocked down
roundswon means the number of rounds clearly won
roundslost means the number of rounds clearly lost
These can also be combined using and/or in the conditionals. An example below
if opponent = strong and score > 2 then 1/1/8 (clinch)
if endurance_percent < 60 or score > 2 then 1/1/8 (clinch)
Understanding How The Fight Simulator works:
The fight simulator is often a source of confusion for new managers, and even
some old managers. The fight simulator reads your fight plans and
uses that information to determine the outcome for every round.
Some of the fight plans can be as simple as 2 or 3 lines, while
other managers can create fight plans with 100+ lines. I would venture
to say that most fight plans of your typical contenders quality
manager would range between 20-30 lines. How do you arrange a fight
plan this long? How does the fight simulator know which line to
use? Well, it is based on the positioning of each statement. A normal
fight plan will utilize static lines and conditionals. The static
line is one that is always true, and the conditionals require some
criterium or multiple criteria be met before it is used by the fight
simulator. The simulator will read from top of the fight plan to
the bottom. It will ultimately follow the last statement that is
considered to be true. So, if more than one statement is true, it
will use the statement that is true that is closest to the bottom.
Take for example, a simple fight plan that goes like this:
1) 4b/8/8 (ring)
2)5b/7/8 (ring)
if score < 0 then 6/8/8 (ring)
if score > 2 then 5b/9/6 (ring)
5)if score < 0 then 8/6/6 (ring)
if score < 0 and endurance_percent > 85 then 5h/10/5 (inside)
10)7/3/10 (ring)
if score > 14 - round then 3h/6/11 (ring)
Although this fight plan probably wouldn't win many fights, it will
help explain how the simulator works.
The static lines (no conditionals attached) are:
1) 4b/8/8 (ring)
2)5b/7/8 (ring)
10)7/3/10 (ring)
In round 1 it will follow the static line of 4b/8/8 (ring). In round
2, the simulator will determine which statement is correct to use.
It will decide to use the 4b/8/8 (ring) unless one of the following
conditionals are considered to be true. If you are losing (score
< 0) then it will perform the 6/8/8 (ring). If you are winning by
3 or more points (score > 2) then it would perform the 5b/9/6. In
round 3 and 4, it would use the same process. However in round 5
there is no static line, so it would perform the 5b/7/8 (ring) unless
either of the following conditionals: if score > 2 then 5b/9/6 (ring)
or 5)if score < 0 then 8/6/6 (ring) were considered to be true.
(Notice that the if score < 0 tactic from round 5 would be used,
since it would cancel the previous one). and it would continue performing
the last (bottom) true statment until the fight was over. This also
brings up the idea of a unI'versal conditional. This is a conditional
that you put into the fight plan at the bottom, that if it is true,
you want it to kick in every time. For example:
1) 4b/8/8 (ring)
2)5b/7/8 (ring)
if score < 0 then 6/8/8 (ring)
if score > 2 then 5b/9/6 (ring)
5)if score < 0 then 8/6/6 (ring)
if score < 0 and endurance_percent > 85 then 5h/10/5 (inside)
10)7/3/10 (ring)
if score > 14 - round then 3h/6/11 (ring)
1) if endurance_percent < 70 then 1/1/8 (clinch)
This is different from the previous fight plan by one line. This
bottom line, since it has a 1) next to it allows for your fighter
to rest at any time, any round, whenever his endurance falls below
75 Percent. It basically trumps (or cancels out) all other conditionals
when it is true. So make sure that you put the order of the conditionals
in the right place. Last statement that is true, gets performed
by the simulator.
The last bit of information is understanding cheat lines. Cheat
lines and towel lines can complicate matters a little. If the cheat
line is written like:
if warnings = 0 then cheat
this is the one time that the simulator will use two lines to determine
the tactic used. Let's use the example below:
1) 4b/8/8
if score > 0 then 3b/10/7
if warnings < 3 then cheat;
if score > 4 then 4/7/9
7) 13/1/6
if endurance_percent < 45 then towel;
if score > 0 and endurance_percent < 45 then 1/1/8 (clinch);
In rounds 1 through 6, the fighter will cheat with either 4b/8/8
or 3b/10/7 while warnings are less than three and score is less
than 5. The cheat command applies whenever it is the last true command
for a block and affects all lines above it.
Starting in round 7, the fighter is going to start going 13/1/6.
Although you might think that the second conditional overrides the
first, but with towel as soon as the simulator runs into a true
towel conditional, it stops processing and immediately towels the
When i use the cheat commands I write it differently, just so I
make sure that I get it to work, only when I want it to. In the
example above, I would have Used
1) 4b/8/8
if score > 0 then 3b/10/7
if score > 0 and warnings < 3 then 3b/10/7
I would use this if I only wanted the cheat command to work on a
particular line, and not any of the others above it that may be
I also think it is important to understand the words used in the
fight simulator that are key in scouting and understanding a fight.
The first is endurance of the fighters. At the end of every round,
you will see a status of your fighter and opponent's fighter, as
well as the cuts. We are going to focus on the endurance. When you
read the status of the fighters, you can't tell exactly how much
endurance that your opponent has left. However, you can get a pretty
good idea by the terms they use. See the list provided:
> 85% don`t need to rest
<= 85% remains standing
<= 75% grabs bottle
<= 65% obviously tired
<= 55% slowing down
<= 45% exhausted
<= 35% collapses limply onto stool
<= 25% requires medical attention
<= 15% can`t remember his corner
Also, sometimes it is important to read what the fight report says
about a fighter's actions in the ring, to determine what tactic
they are using. While you can often tell the tactic based on the
punches thrown, power punches, etc., this isn't the case all the
time. If a fighter gets knocked out during that round, it doesn't
gI've you that information. But it does gI've you info at the beginning
of the round. Use the info from the fighter's actions to help determine
what the fighter's tactics were for that round. See the list below.
If the figher is fighting Inside :
DEF > 10 Fighter fights with his head in his opponent's chest.
POW > 10 Fighter is throwing big punches. (inside)
AGG > 10 Fighter charges. (inside)
if all stats are < 11 Fighter goes toe-to-toe. (inside)
If the figher is fighting Clinching:
DEF > 10 Fighter goes for a clinch as soon as the bell rings!
POW > 10 Fighter thinks he's in a wrestling match. (clinching)
AGG > 10 Fighter jabs and clinches when his opponent closes.
ALL < 11 Fighter is clinching a lot. (clinching)
If the figher is fighting Outside
DEF > 10 Fighter backpedals. (outside)
POW > 10 Fighter fights from outside. (outside)
AGG > 10 Fighter stays outside and uses his jab. (outside)
ALL < 11 Fighter fights from outside. (outside)
If the figher is fighting Feinting
DEF > 10 Fighter feints and fakes to keep his opponent away.
POW > 10 Fighter tries to set up a perfect punch. (feinting)
AGG > 10 Fighter feints and jabs aggressively. (feinting)
ALL < 11 Fighter feints and fakes. (feinting)
If the figher is fighting Ring
DEF > 10 Fighter is backpedaling. (using the ring)
POW > 10 Fighter dances around looking for a good shot. (using
the ring)
AGG > 10 Fighter moves and jabs. (using the ring)
ALL < 11 Fighter dances around the ring. (using the ring)
If the figher is fighting Counter
DEF > 10 Fighter waits for his opponent to make the first move.
POW > 10 Fighter waits for the right opportunity. (counter-punching)
AGG > 10 Fighter looks to trade jabs. (counter-punching)
ALL < 11 Fighter is counter-punching. (counter-punching)
If the figher is fighting Ropes
DEF > 10 Fighter lures his opponent into a corner. (ropes)
POW > 10 Fighter muscles his opponent into a corner. (ropes)
AGG > 10 Fighter chases his opponent into a corner. (ropes)
ALL < 11 Fighter traps his opponent against the ropes. (ropes)
If the figher is fighting Allout
DEF > 10 Fighter Seems indecisI've. (all out)
POW > 10 Fighter throws everything he's got! (all out)
AGG > 10 Fighter lunges at his opponent. (all out)
ALL < 11 Fighter is a raging bull! (all out)
I hope this helps you understand the way that the fight simulator
works. Just remember, that it performs the action of the last (bottom)
true statement.
Resting is an important part of a fight plan, and understanding resting is important.
Resting allows a fighter to regain some of the endurance that was
lost previously in the fight. However, it is important to understand
when to rest. While fighters will automatically gain some endurance
back between rounds (10% of lost endurance) it is often not enough.
When you rest, (leave extra points for rest, such as 1/1/8 (clinch)
leaves 10 points for rest, so 10 of the 20 points available have been
used. The remainder go to rest) These extra resting points help gI've
endurance back to the fighter. The amount of endurance gained by rest
is proportional to the endurance lost. Therefore, resting is much
more effective when you have endurance to regain. Resting in Round
1 or 2 usually isn't a good idea, since you don't have much endurance
to regain. If your fighter's endurance had dropped to 75%, it might
be a good time to rest. It is seldom a good idea to rest at endurance
above 75%. When you rest, rest completely (1/1/8). Don't try to fight
and rest at the same time (eg. 7/1/8). If you are planning on using clinch
to rest, then it might be wise to use 2/1/8 (clinch). This tactic will allow you to win the round if your opponent rests that same round, and if he doesn't, then your aggresI'veness will be lowered due to style, and those points will be put towards your rest. This allows for the possibility of sneaking out a winning round while resting.
Things to consider for resting:
1. How much endurance your fighter has lost.
2. How little defense can you use to rest, to keep from being stunned, knocked down, or knocked out. Sometimes you might be able to get away with using only 4 or 5 defense, and sometimes you may need 10 defense.
3. Do you have an endurance advantage? If he is stronger than you, it might be wise to even it up a little by resting
4. Make sure your fight plan doesn't cause you to rest in too many rounds. If your fighter is getting pummeled and is resting every round, it might be better to just throw in the towel.
Sample Fight Plans: (originally found on Albino's old site.)
a KP dancer plan - I'll go through every line, this something like african monks sissy drone plan (once a very popular group of fighters)
lines with # at front are skipped by parser, I've used them as comment lines for the condition below it.
btw, you can copy this straight from here into a fp.
# plenty vs. a slugger targeting head or body
1) 5/1/14 (ring);
# lost 1 round, could be a slugger with high SPD so don't open up too much just yet
if roundslost >= 1 then 7/1/12 (ring);
# lost 2 rounds, ok, he's probably a dancer
if roundslost >= 2 then 9/1/10 (ring);
# he's definitely use some AGG
if roundslost >= 3 then 11/1/8 (ring);
# he's probably on to your plan or has AGG higher than you still
if roundslost >= 4 then 13/1/6 (outside);
# he must be using very high AGG there for very low DEF, use your KP to KO him
if roundslost >= 5 then 5H/11!/4 (counter);
# you have a good lead, protect yourself
if score > 2 then 4H/6/10 (ring);
# you have a good lead, but your tired, rest the round
if score > 2 and endurance_percent < 67 then 1/1/9 (outside);
# hes slugging heavily, probably low DEF, use KP to KO - or at least stun/KD
if endurance_percent < 100 - (round - 1) * 5 and round < 7 then 5H/11!/4 (counter);
# he stuns you early in fight when you had high DEF, hes using allout or low DEF inside
if mystuns > 0 and round < 4 then 5H/8/7 (counter);
# i used to use this as a mid-late stun-o-meter, basically if i'm stunned more than once every two rounds
if 2*(mystuns - hisstuns) > round then 5H/10/5 (counter);
# i've won, so retreat
if decision_true = won then 1/1/18 (ring);
NOTE: although you can lose a round due to a stun, i have stuns
conditionals too so i don't lose a round by a stun then lower DEF
to get my round back.
#start efficiently to the body
1) 5B/7/8 (ring);
#not taking much damage - open up a little
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 3 then 5B/7/8 (inside);
#only taking a little damage - open up a bit more
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 2 then 5B/8/7 (inside);
#hardly taking any damage - open up a lot
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 1 then 5B/9/6 (inside);
#if the ref hasn't warned you - cheat
if warnings = 0 then cheat;
#efficiently to the body
5) 5B/7/8 (inside);
#taking a fair bit of damage - use ring instead
if endurance_percent < 100 - (round - 1) * 4 then 5B/7/8 (ring);
#only taking a little damage - open up a bit
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 3 then 5B/8/7 (inside);
#hardly taking any damage - open up a lot
if endurance_percent > 100 - (round - 1) * 2 then 5B/10/5 (inside);
#if the ref hasn't warned you - cheat
if warnings = 0 then cheat;
#losing - use an extra point of AGG
if score < 0 then 6B/7/7 (ring);
#losing by a bit - try an win round while using decent POW
if score < -1 then 8/6/6 (ring);
#opponent is tired and you are 'still standing' - open up a lot
if opp < 2 and endurance_percent > 75 then 5B/10/5 (inside);
#opponent is tired and you 'don't need to rest' - open up a heaps.
(only use this if opponent has 0 KP.)
if opp < 2 and endurance_percent > 85 then 5B/11/4 (inside);
#opponent is tired and you 'don't need to rest' - open up a LOTS.
if opp < 2 and endurance_percent > 92 and mystuns = 0 then 5B/10/5
#you are tired - rest
if round = 8 and endurance_percent < 70 then 1/1/8 (clinch);
#opponent should be tired by now - keep to the body but 6 AGG could
win rounds
9) 6B/7/7 (ring);
#losing or even score - try win rounds with decent POW
if score < 1 then 8/6/6 (ring);
#losing - try win rounds
if score < 0 then 10/4/6 (ring);
#can only afford to drop one round and still win - try win rounds
if score < round - 10 then 10/4/6 (ring);
#can't afford to drop any rounds and still win - try win rounds
if score < round - 11 then 13/1/6 (outside);
#winning remaining rounds gets a draw - try for KD in increment
score by 2
if score < round - 12 then 5H/11!/4 (inside);
#same as above but you 'don't need to rest' - allout then, you may
get a KO
if score < round - 12 and endurance_percent > 90 then 5H/11!/4 (allout);
#you have lost - try wear him down more (KO him later)
if score < round - 14 then 5B/10/5 (inside);
#score = 0 - win round
12) 11/3/6 (ring);
#good lead - make sure you can't get KO'd or KD'd
if score > 1 then 6/7/7 (ring);
#small lead - draw or better the round
if score = 1 then 9/4/7 (ring);
#small deficit - go for KD
if score < 0 then 6H/11/3 (inside);
#same as above but you 'don't need to rest' - allout then, you may
get a KO
if score < 0 and endurance_percent > 85 then 5H/11/4 (allout);
#you can't win on points, may as well cheat
if score < -1 then cheat;
#you are very tired and the opponent is also not weak - gI've up
1) if opponent = strong and endurance_percent < 50 and score
< 0 then towel
#you have won - keep trying to hurt him ;)
1) if score > 14 - round then 5B/7/8 (clinch);
#he is weak and you are strong or barely tired - KD or KO him, doesn't
matter really, he can't hurt you
1) if opp = 0 and endurance_percent > 60 then 5H/10/5 (inside);
#You might have a chance at a draw if you can hang on.
1) if endurance_percent < 50 and opp = 3 and score > 12 -
round then 1/1/18 (ring)
NOTE1: if AGG > POW then use opportunistic fighting or 'best openings'
as the easy FP creator describes it.
NOTE2: 4/8/8 is most efficient damage dealt/receI'ved ratio.
NOTE3: when POW = 2 * AGG, it is efficient use of those energy points
for dealing damage. 3/6/11, 5/10/5, 6/11/3 are quite popular
NOTE4: if he's tired, i use more power, on the line below it, it
checks my endurance, if i have only small advantage, i return to
going efficient.
NOTE5: dancing with 1 POW can be dangerous, scout your opponent,
if you think he might use allout, set POW to AGG/2 or make them
even. eg1 6/3/11 or 8/4/8. eg2 5/5/10 or 6/6/8 - only use these
if str > 9 and/or kp > 3 otherwise you are wasting you time so just
use 5/1/14
NOTE6: outside can be used by shorter fighters who are dancing to
obtain +0.5 SPD and +0.5 AGL. clinch can be used similarly for resting
(+1 AGL with no penalty). ring however gI'ves +1 fatigue and pretty
much cancels out +1 AGL bonus.